Statement on Pride is evil

Date: July 10, 2023

RE: Email "Pride is evil"


The recent email dated June 29, 2023, with subject line Pride is evil sent out by the Colorado GOP, was narrow-minded and pandered to the far right. This rhetoric is an irritating splinter to the greater Colorado Republican Party & other common-sense voters in the state.

The broad biblical offense on “pride” addressed only to the “LGBTQA+” community was catering to the game of identity politics—something most conservatives abhor. We pray it was indeed short-sighted and unintentional. As Colorado Republicans, we are better than that.

Addressing these issues with care and refinement could have been an opportunity to reach out to young people, women, swing voters and moderate democrats growing weary of progressive politics. Instead, the presentation left many Coloradans feeling alienated.

However, we would like to be absolutely clear on the matter at hand; as an organization that seeks to be a bridge between the LGBT communities, conservatives, and Republicans at large, the Log Cabin Republicans of Colorado wholeheartedly support parental rights, protecting children from harmful premature medical procedures, and the sexualization of children in any way.

Our Board, made up of LGBT individuals, has spoken out against these dangers publicly. Through op-eds, media interviews, testimonies at the State Capitol, social media, and anywhere else we have a presence, our position has been made abundantly clear. We speak for many within the LGBT community.

Inappropriate behavior can be seen amongst all demographics and is not limited to a single orientation. The aggressive protection of our children should move us to target offenders, not a single community. We are confident we stand with all commonsense Coloradans on this matter.

The Log Cabin Republicans of Colorado will continue to be outspoken in regard to safeguarding children, securing parental rights, and other conservative positions we firmly believe in. In the future we hope State leadership will find a more constructive path to help us all reach that goal.


Body of Officers

Log Cabin Republicans of Colorado

Articles written by our Board

Dragging Kids To Pride Is Dragging Us Down

'Gender affirming care'? Let kids be kids

Pride Month Is Counterproductive
